Monday, February 4, 2008

Bike Week Sponsors Needed

Thats Right!

Full Throttle Florida Magazine is looking for Sponsors to help us print more magazine for Bike Week 2008. there will be thousands of people reading Full Throttle, don't miss this opportunity.

For $750 and your promotional items

FT will pass out your info all 10 days of Bike Week

FT will list your logo and all your contact info as a sponsor in the March and April issues.

FT will do a half page article on your business/product in the May 2008 issue

this is a great way to hit the motorcycle market with your product or business.

If you are interested e-mail me at or call our office and ask for Tony at 813-814-1424 or 800-889-8180

Advertising space in the magazine is also available until Feb 15th for the March issue.
Prices include
Full page - $800
Half Page - $400
Qtr Page - $250
Business Card - $125

don't miss out on the opportunity of the year!

Let Full Throttle Magazine work for you!