Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fran Haasch's 10th Anniversary

I had a great time last week and weekend!

On Wednesday 10-27 - Fran Haasch started her 10 year anniversary celebration at Quaker Steak and Lube's Bike Night giving away great prizes like iPod's, gift certificates and a flat screen TV. She gave some great plaque's and wonderful appreciation to all the media she advertises in including Full Throttle Magazine and myself Tony Cianci (See the plaque below) I was so sick that night but I did not want to miss one of the best parties of the year so I was heavily medicated and made it through the evening. Fran, Rhett and her office and crew are simply the best people you will ever meet. She is always there for the motorcycle community when you need her the most. Fran is also more than just an advertiser with Full Throttle Magazine and the Cianci family, she is a personal friend.

The Next event happened at Grass Flats on Friday 10-29. Grass Flats is a great place to have a party, especially when the band playing is The Greg Billing Band!! They even got Fran on stage singing with them. I personally put on a Halloween costume that night as I dressed up like our beloved Revrend Jim from Preachers Custom cycle Promotions. I even had the cane, the limp and the sunglasses! I haven't seen him smile like that in a long time...

The Final party was back at Quaker Steak on Halloween day 10-31. There was a huge turn out and the day was beautiful. BTR and Quaker Steak were also celebrating their Anniversaries. One of the best parts of the day was when BTR was giving away $100 to people who signed up at their table, and I WON $100!!!! Thanks for the green RON, I hope you guys enjoyed the beers I bought for you. I gave the road crew a beer, bird man mike and your wife a beer, you were on stage I think. Either way, I know you hated giving it to me but I enjoyed you having to do that! The finger was the classy and nice touch!

I will be posting here often so please be sure to check it out frequently and make comments if you can....I love to hear feedback!

I'm out and remember----


Tony Cianci ~ Chief Cupcake

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